The English version of our website is still under construction. In the meantime please read the profile of PSG below. For more information email us at info[at]
We are democratically minded! We are politically involved! We intervene!
The Pfadfinderinneschaft St. Georg is an association of 10,000 girls and young women in Germany. The top decision making organ is our Bundesversammlung. The PSG was founded in 1947 in Munich as the Association of Catholic Guides in the Federal Republic of Germany and it belongs to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 10 million Guides living all over the world are united in this international association and live for the same basic rules. Together with WAGGGS, PSG works in accordance with the needs of girls and young women.
„A good deed a day“ is the picture that many people have of Guides. Today this means that we go through the world with an increased awareness, that is, we seek to recognize the needs of people in society, to develop the fullest potential of every single Guide, and to take responsibility in the world. We want to act in the society we live in and we would like to change and improve it: In our association, girls and women can recognize and train their own potential despite the gender stereotypes prevalent in society. In our groups, girls and women with and without dissabilities, regardless of origin or religion, live together and learn from each other. There are four groups by age: Wichtel (Brownies, 7-10 years), Pfadis (Guides, 10-13 years), Caravelles (13-16 years) and Ranger (young women older than 16). We work on a project basis. This means we don‘t offer the girls a pre-planned program, rather they decide and plan with the help of leaders. For us, this is a life choice. With full awareness we take decisions for our association and the group we live in and we do this by taking an oath in public.